Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology 2004

An overview of issues and the deployment of existing ITU-T Recommendations for secure telecommunications

The purpose of this security manual is to provide an overview of the numerous Recommendations developed by ITU-T – sometimes in collaboration with other Standard Development Organizations – to secure the communication infrastructure and the associated services and applications. In order to address the multiple facets of security, it is necessary to establish a framework and architecture, in order to have a common vocabulary with which to discuss the concepts.ITU-T has developed security provisions in several systems and services defined in its Recommendations and a significant focus of this manual is on applications.These applications are described in terms of deployment architecture and of how protocols have been defined to meet security needs. In addition to offering security of application information, there is also a need to secure the infrastructure of the network and the management of network services.In addition, this manual contains the current version of the ITU-T Catalogue of Recommendations related to Security Aspects, a list of acronyms anddefinitions related to security and other topics addressed in this document.


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