Educators and Students

As at 26 June 2017

The International Telecommunications Union actively encourages the adoption of the Content available on this online Service for non-commercial use in college courses, including MOOCs. 

At subscribing universities (see the ‘About’ section for details of your closest institution) students and faculty have online access to a wide range of content in different formats. These can be integrated into course packs and electronic reserves without the need to request permission. If your library does not provide access to the content you require, ask your librarian to subscribe. 

If you are teaching at an educational institution that does not have access to this online Service, and would like to consider a particular publication for use in your course, you can browse through the free preview ‘READ’ edition, or contact your library so that a free trial can be set up, for the benefit of all users at your establishment. 

Publications can be ordered individually via the ITU’s Online Bookshop or its network of Authorized Resellers.

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