2003 Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2003

Promoting Universal Access to ICTs. Practical tools for regulators

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The fifth edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform explores the tools regulators can use to promote universal access/service. The report provides an overview of universal access/service, the role of sector reform, creation and operation of a universal service fund, the role of minimum subsidy auction, how consumer tariffs and interconnection rates affect the viability of rural universal access/service projects, public access strategies including telecentres, and how regulators can foster entrepreneurial solutions to rural access. The report is structured into eight chapters.


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Creation and operation of universal service funds

As stated in the previous Chapter, there have been promising gains from efforts to enlist the market in achieving universal access/service goals. However, many rural areas throughout the developing world remain un-served by any communications network, whether fixed line or mobile, and fall into the true access gap. Access to high-speed Internet services also remains out of reach for most citizens of developing countries, especially in rural areas. Many countries, therefore, have begun drafting universal access/service policies aimed at increased access to ICTs. Many of these policies call for the creation of universal service funds as a means of bridging the digital divide.


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