Measuring the Information Society Report 2014

image of Measuring the Information Society Report 2014

The MIS Report, which has been published annually since 2009, features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society, including the ICT Development Index (IDI). The IDI captures the level of ICT developments in 166 economies worldwide and compares progress made during the last year. The MIS 2014 highlights the relationship between ICT development (as measured by the IDI) and the MDGs, a contribution to the ongoing discussions on the potential of ICTs as development enablers. The report includes the results of the ICT Price Basket (IPB) and new mobile-broadband price data for over 140 economies. Price data are analysed to provide insights into the relationship between affordability and income inequality, competition and regulation. The report also looks at new ICT data sources for measurement and examines the possible role of ICT big data for monitoring and development.


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Recent information society developments

The past year has been characterized by uninterrupted growth in the spread of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and in ICT uptake by citizens and public and private organizations. While the global mobile-cellular market is approaching saturation levels, mobile-broadband uptake continues to grow at double-digit rates in all regions, and mobile broadband remains the strongest growing market segment. This trend is accompanied by a slowdown in fixed-broadband uptake in the developing world, where mobilebroadband services provide a response to the demand for high-speed Internet access in view of the lack of affordable fixed-broadband services, whereas in the developed world both fixed- and mobile-broadband uptake is growing continuously.


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