ICT-Centric Economic Growth, Innovation and Job Creation

image of ICT-Centric Economic Growth, Innovation and Job Creation

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embody a universally shared vision of progress towards a safe, just and sustainable space for all human beings. The book, “ICT-centric economic growth, innovation and job creation”, written by leading scholars and experts from around the world, aims to address the challenges and opportunities offered by ICTs in the areas of innovation, governance, education, job creation and economic growth.This book, launched World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017, presents an in-depth roadmap for sustainable economic growth by exploiting the recent developments in information and communication technology (ICT) to create an environment that nourishes ICT-centric innovation and generates new job opportunities. It describes the key elements in the ICT-centric ecosystem for economic growth, innovation and job creation, covering policies, strategies, mechanism and tools that are indispensable in creating and maintaining a healthy, vibrant, adaptable and environmentally friendly setting for sustainable economic growth. It also highlights the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in the ICT-centric ecosystem, including governments, industry, academia, investors, entrepreneurs, and citizens. It focusses on discovering and analyzing the multiple interrelations between ICT dynamics and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in 2015 as a universal set of goals, targets and indicators that UN Member States will be expected to use to frame their agendas and policies over the next 15 years.


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Business Models for ICT-Centric Sustainable Development

Innovation is a key driver of future economic developments and plays an important role in creating new jobs. This chapter highlights the importance of establishing a business environment in which ICT-based innovative products, services, and applications can flourish, new jobs can be created and maintained, and sustainability in development can be achieved. The flexibility that ICTs afford in how resources and productive activities are organized within firms, markets, and industry value chains renders the design of business models a choice variable. No longer are business models dictated by legacy production techniques. Instead, ICTs enable incumbents and entrepreneurs to develop new strategies for promoting economic activity and achieving development goals. In this chapter we discuss the history of business model theory and how it is changing and being newly energized by ICT technology, offering the potential for developing countries leapfrog strategies to accelerate development. We provide short descriptions of the current trends and concepts in forming and offering ICT-based novel products and services, and discuss some important factors that are instrumental in establishing successful ICT-based business entities.


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