Final WSIS Targets Review

Achievments, Challenges and the Way Forward

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The main objective of this report (Final WSIS Targets Review: Achievements, Challenges and the Way Forward) is to provide policy-makers with a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the WSIS commitments, and in particular the WSIS targets. It emphasizes the importance of ICTs for development, and the need to track these. The report is expected to highlight the lessons learnt from the WSIS monitoring process and to deliver an input to the debate on the post-2015 agenda, including discussion of possible targets and future indicators.


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Ensure that all of the world’s population has access to television and radio services

Target 8 reflects the importance of providing the world’s population with television and radio access. While analogue TV and radio are usually described as older media, they nevertheless remain very important for providing information to people in both developed and developing countries. Access to these traditional ICT services is still relevant in the information society as they can enhance the achievement of development goals such as education, preserving local heritage and the promotion of cultural diversity. In developed countries, television and radio broadcasters are using newer technologies, such as digital TV, to create better audience experiences. Developing countries are also adopting these technologies, although analogue TV and radio continue to play important roles in development – especially in remote and rural areas where access to new ICT services is limited. For citizens who lack literacy skills, TV and radio serve as important sources of news and information. For these and other reasons, tracking access to all radio and TV services remains an important task, especially for developing countries.


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