2000 Americas Telecommunication Indicators 2000

image of Americas Telecommunication Indicators 2000

The report was published to coincide with ITU TELECOM AMERICAS 2000. The report reviews developments in developing countries of the Western Hemisphere (primarily Latin America but also the Caribbean) telecomunication sector. The report includes 60 pages of analysis of trends including privatization, mobile, the Internet, and regulatory and policy issues. Three annexes provide information on privatization, WTO commitments and Universal service policies. Five regional tables covering key telecommunication indicators for the years 1998 or 1999 are included as well as four tables showing the top ten telecommunication operators in Latin America by revenue, main lines, mobile subscribers and international traffic. A directory with names and websites of telecommunication ministries, regulators and operators in the region is also included.


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Enhancing Sector Efficiency

The debate continues in the telecommunications industry over the virtues and sins of regulatory intervention. Some argue for the abolition of industry-specific regulators and the transfer of regulatory functions to competition authorities and the judicial system. However, this overlooks the growing importance given in many countries to the role of independent regulation as a mean for achieving effective competition in communication services. Years of open markets in industrialized nations have still not done away with regulatory agencies. Effective competition is not easy to achieve and telecommunication regulators are, for the time being, the best formula for tackling the matter. If even mature markets sometimes require regulatory intervention, then the demand for it is even more acute in less developed nations where market forces are weaker and incumbents well positioned to abuse their dominance in the marketplace.


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